

Arbitration Services of Eric M. Doroshow

If you are involved in personal injury litigation in Delaware, it often makes a lot of sense to resolve your case using an Arbitrator. Eric M. Doroshow is a Certified Arbitrator for personal injury litigation in the Delaware Superior Court.

In arbitration, you present your evidence and information related to the dispute and the
other parties involved provide their facts and information. Once all information and evidence has
been presented, Eric then reviews all of the information and makes a decision about the
dispute. Arbitration is effectively a microcosm of the court system, where the arbiter is like a
judge in a traditional courtroom. The Arbitration can be binding or non binding.
There are numerous advantages to arbitration, such as:

  1. The parties usually agree on the arbitrator, so that both sides have confidence that the proceedings will be impartial. 
  2. Disputes are often resolved sooner because, a trial date is often scheduled out more than a year after filing.
  3. Arbitration is often less expensive than expert witnesses for trial. Plus, the parties usually split the arbitrator’s fee, which customarily costs less then preparing for trial.
  4. Arbitration is essentially a private procedure, so if the parties desire privacy, the details will be kept confidential.
  • Contact Eric Doroshow by email at: or call him at 302-998-0100 to learn more.

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